Better do it before next update :D If you get stuck in challenge you lose the value of the magical lance, so I'd make sure to do a dual charge....
So you mix the medium and the color you wish to use?
Unfortunately the items usable for a Ridden Monster are far and few between so it's not like it matters much. Starfall shard being the obvious...
List 4 is quite tough haha :D Only downside is that you may expect lvl 4 wizards even at 1500pts. It's dangerous business to not leave with...
Perhaps put each list name in a red color. So it says "List 1" :D
Our fluff won't be done for quite some time, however I believe Sylvan Elves will be next and then they'll do the BRB. Also I believe the...
@NIGHTBRINGER - April, but I can't remember if it's by the start of end of the month. :p
Soon (well kinda) we'll have the first non beta version of 9th Age. I hope this in particular will spark some discussions and allow us to set up...
Unless they changed it in the recent update you're right @airjamy - everything the template passes over is touched.
Could you change the tag so it says 9th age? :D Swarms are bad though. Skinks with AHW and poison on close combat + poison Ark = poison on 5+ and...
That's 405pts with wellspring of power. Add at least 1 priest and you have 8 spells, +1 to cast and channel on 2+. I think I usually payed around...
I tried Path of Fire due to all the magic missiles, but I'm not sure it compliments my army the way I need. So now I'm trying path of shadow...
yeah the game is best balanced at 1500-3000pts, however in the future there'll be more option so the rules can better accomodate small point games...
Salamanders are really awesome (in theory). You can place the template within 8", so of you're close enough you can put it right on a flank and...
@woogity A skink cloud isn't really a skink cloud of it only consist of 3 skink skirmishers :D
It's kinda weird, but you always had a hand weapon :p Merging the units would be horrible. It would create fewer options and no way at all to have...
You always have hand weapons, so you can choose between hand weapon and shield or halbard in close combat. :)
Im not entirely sure how that works. They share toughness and the mount have T4, but it's the wearer (T3) who wear the helmet.
@hardyworld actually we (T9A staff) need to work hard to the NA on the bandwagon. KoW is gaining quite a lot of traction on the tournament side of...
Could you make your text a little more readable ? :)