So do i :) That's why i ask people to share the facebook post to unlock the stretch goal for sharing it (...
I agree with that. I generally like GW lizardmen, with the exception of their cold ones.... I really dislike them, and even more when you compare...
Well well Must i say it feels great to have been awaken once more, so soon i'll start posting again soon. By the way, i do have pledged in this KS...
Thank you very much :) Please, don't do that :) Don't smash your models n_n I'm pretty sure they do not deserve that
Hi guys :) Sorry for this silent time i've had. I was in a travel in Mexico, and i had also much more work (i work with computers and this issue...
Thank you all As i said, that miniature i loved it so much that gave me the idea to do it's mounted version, which is the one i'm currently doing...
I will, very soon, be back at work with this project ;) and when i finish this one, i've other project started which i hope you'll love, as it...
Hi, another little update. Here you have the photos of the miniature that gave me the inspiration for the weapon i made for this project. It's a...
Little update: The weapon fell to the floor and broke apart, so when i finish assembling some miniatures that i need for a campaign i'm doing with...
Hi! Here i'm with a new update with pictures. This time, the weapon, a giant hammer :D [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
First images of the oldblood. Appart from the armour plates that i made for him, i had to sculpt the arm (the forearm is the one of the miniature)...
Jejeje i will try to upload as soon as possible pictures of the old-blood (because it is the part i am doing right now) The problem is that my pc...
I like them being in a half way between advanced and primitive. They have metal support for their special stone blades, but i also like them being...
Mine has a great weapon too. (2 hands weapon, not paired ones. Sorry for the confusion :banghead: jejeje) Is the lizardmen cold one, but i am...
Yes, that one. I used the ninth age name because it is what we are playing here at the game store of my city (even if lizardmen are not that great...
Oh, sorry, i didn't take that part into account, my bad. I am certenly looking forward visiting Chiapas. Must be wonderful indeed. I hope to do it...
Yyyyup That's it
Hi, i'm also from the north of spain, from Huesca. I have also visited several ruins in Mexico too, but i'm willing to see more of them :p It must...
Hi all I am now with a conversion of a warlord on raptor. It is going to be a didficult project, as i want to change not only the warlord but also...
I have thought about it, but i must say.... I suck casting thins or making molds :hilarious: Besides, i like them to look all differently carved,...