Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great weekend and January so far. Mine isn't too bad, school has begun so pretty busy with that but...
Hey everyone! I have no expectations for this years blog, other than to let my imagination do its thing, enjoy the hobby, and get some models...
Speaking of the Jade Stone Recipe... here it is! I wanted to share how I do Jade Stone as I've had a few people say they really like it recently...
Thank you man! Real happy/proud of that recipe, real simple too. The warden is definitely cool I think. I have too many ideas in my head and am...
Appreciated this, thank you
Happy Holidays everyone! With Hanukkah already underway and Christmas almost upon us (and others I don't know about!) I hope everyone has a...
Full map as of now, still WIP.[ATTACH]
So, I haven't really been hobbying much. In large part due to school this past semester (and especially this last month) but also just due to...
Thanks man!
The first of the Raptor Warriors and test model is almost done. The scheme is inspired by Tucans, not the most flashy but the armor itself is...
Thanks man! You are one I'd definitely let read before its finished also, and may ask for inout actually haha. Let me know if you want the google...
[ATTACH] The Table of contents thus far for my *Adherents of Haset* unofficial/fan made Age of Sigmar faction battletome and i think where it'll...
Awesome work! His favorite game is definitely Ghost in the Graveyard or hide and seek haha
It has! Just a little bit ago. Apparently something on Meta's side was off.
You also!!
It is and isn't. It's Halloween, I'll deal with it tomorrow lol It's frustrating mainly because I have no idea how it happened
Also, for any who follow my IG - i may or may not have been hacked while I was asleep. Not sure how, but my account has been disabled by IG for...
Love it, looks awesome!
Some progress shots on my Sorceress, Gargoyle-Imps, and Bush-Tailed Archer. Some are definitely looking better than others lol but having fun with...
Thank you! Reworking the bands definitely helped I think, it'll be interesting painting certain parts lol