Thank you, and accepted :)
I didn't, it's not that thick my man. I also didn't ask for an opinion, I was simply sharing what I did and something I'm proud of. Unsolicited...
No, both whites on the horse and cloth are meant to be smooth, feel I did a good job :D If there is any texture to it, which I don't see, it's...
Finished the shield today that I had forgotten about for my Lumineth Steedmaster. Began this conversion when Lumineth Realm Lords were first...
Amazons Blood Bowl team, omg! Y'all, you know how much I love the Amazons (especially Y'all from the Lizardmen RPG group), and this is just...
Getting there![ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Also working to repaint this model to better match my new Dawnriders. I very much loved the Zebra look (and my partner is upset i am repainting it...
Thanks! Yeah, really loving the scheme for both the armor and horses. Coming together slowly
Hey everyone! School has been busy but Ive done a little bit of hobbying for study breaks! I have been working on my Lumineth for Animosity IV,...
I'd recommend a Hair Dryer on low, then bend it to where you want. Depending what it is, put a heavy book or two on it to make sure it keeps its...
Such a long time ago... lol wow!
Yeah, love a lot of stuff Josh does, but man this is just brilliant
Gonna call this Stoneguard done, minus the base. Been a long time coming but glad this one is basically done. Now onto the rest! Will do the base...
Thank you, that's what I was going for so Im glad it was achieved.
Can ignore this post. Was having a rough day and just, yeah. Posts will be slow, but still coming.
Just a lot of school and likely won't update for a month or so
Will not be updating until future notice.
Thank you
Hey Everyone! I have been quiet lately, lots going on - namely being back in school this semester and taking accelerated classes, so a bit...
Thank you And yea lol I now have a small notebook, but was trying to see if I had written it down here lol I wanted to yell at my Past-Self haha