Battle 1 Hey guys! So my first battle has been fought. I'm afraid that on the very first battle, I already forgot to take pictures :(. My army...
Income, scouts & Armies 2 Helloooooo my scaly fwiends! So, the campaign did start and we are now at the end of week 2. Start of Week 1: (5gold...
Income, scouts & Armies 1 Hey there! So I've got my 2 orientations to see where I am placed on the map for this Campaign. Gm: Your village is...
Have to say that T9A is indeed losing my interest. So many updates and yet so far to go it seems. I read up on the changes on lustria rather than...
Hey guys, Just a tiny update for you here. I have received word from a GM to answer my questions and so here are the answers I got. Fortress:...
If we are only talking about 8th edition and not looking towards future possibilities like 9 th age etc.. 8th ed. was for I think almost all...
Let us give you guys some more info ;)! Scouts: A scout can see 1centimeter far on the map ( armies only 0.5 cm) Scouts can join your army to...
Thanks :). As this will be my first Campaign, I can't give you any answers on the speed of the Campaign. I literally have no idea how fast armies...
Storytime! So if you take my last post you will notive this sentence: Lizardmen did not travel to Albion by boats like the other factions did,...
How I think I will start out: There are some possibilities to start out in the Campaign ( how you use the starting gold). 1) Fast Building for...
Some more info and I might like someone's intake on it: Research cost 500gold! Some examples from previous campaigns: * Skaven Tunnel Behemoth...
Nope no extra pts in the lord, just the 4+ ward save rune. We didn't know who we were going to meet for this match ( I was supposed to go up vs...
On this page you guys will be able to follow my campaign if you want ;)
Hello everyone, This will be the page where I inform you on the progress our brave lizzies make during a campaign I'll be playing. We have 10-12...
Thanks for the information Scanalex. The people creating the Campaign are prette experienced players and have created campaigns before. I'm told...
We will be randomly placed on a map ( 12players). We do not know our surroundings exept if our army goes somewhere or if your scouts scout it. So...
Hey guys Sot invited for a campaign that will be a little like Total War I've been explained. To give you some basics: 1) We start out with...
The EOTG Steggie will probably get a lot of attention. It's up 2 you to see how best to place him, but I usually solo them and haven't had them...
I think this is a very standard list. I'm not going into magic items or anything right now (no book close to me). Only thing I do miss is a cowboy...
Seems like we got slapped. Hope someone steps up and informs 9th about the dislikes.