Turn based :). There are vids on the youtubez if you want to check it out ;).
Hello hello, I put this in the general forum. I post most of my stuff in the lizardmen section for WHFB though. So seeing as this section...
Hellooooo everyone! I was wondering if people were interested in playing a league of Blood Bowl 2. My name on Steam is drdrake51236, my name in...
:(. When you just glued and painted 26 skinks with javs and shields.. :O I have 1 more pack of them, guess I better wait untill our LM 9th age...
Let us know when they are ready :)
Haha antwerp Belgium here :). Here the zwarte piete* are still zwart* :D. Oh yeah they did change that indeed... pff always something that makes...
Im at a sint nicolas thingy right now, I will take a better look at this list tonight, but from first glance it def looks good. If I like it, wich...
Thx for the info. And yes I did note that bows were probably not the way to go, I will def change that. 2 sallies it is! :p
Hi there. So I made a list 2000pts 9th Age vs O&G. Don't look at it if you haven't before! ;) ( I want to see the differences in lists, and just...
Old Skool, but it does the job :cool:. I'll have to try installing it again, got some problems cuz noobiness and all :rolleyes:
So my very first 9th Age Armylist :cool:. It will also be my very first time playing vs O&G. I don't know my opponent nor do I know what he...
Lol, I can't even open it anymore xD. I saw the option to print yes, does it work? I haven't done that so can't say...
Yeah it is oldskool indeed.. but hey it is something at least :). I think im still running on demo version myself, can't save the files o.O. Me so...
Np ;)
Question: Path of the wilderniss 6th spell: Monstrous Transformation. It says the model cannot use a weapon and gets the charactaristic changes....
I can just see Dwarfs castling but they dont really even get 1 good turn of shooting , and they lose like 25% of their army investment at that time.
the-ninth-age_Army-Builder-2-2_0-9-1_EN8.ab 761 kB If this does not work because I'm an idiot try it from here:...
Ah, as said, I never played vs skaven, so my Ethereal Slann idea indeed seems worthless :D. I thought with speed, you mean running around him a...
looks awsome :o)
I think so yes. But then I just saw this: Vermin Guard: 10 Models, may add up to 50 models... O.o. So that would make 60 Stormvermin'...