Thx :)! I had a game last night of 9th edition so I had to learn all those rules... That's why there was no chapter yesterday. Today i'm on house...
Hi all, My game was the full 2 turns because of reasons I won't mention but even then the outcome looked pretty obvious. Line up From my POV...
My game lasted the full 2 turn :s. So can't say too much... Honestly just looking at the rule changes aswell as the magic phases... I just think...
Part 4: Thread carefully. The priest had explained exactly what was requested of him. The Temple he had to enter, the lower level maze, the...
My pov on spawnings and specially sacred ones is that it has nothing to do with the pools. There would be too many and there would be nothing rare...
Chapter 3: Finding the unseen. His mind was made up. With each passing day chances of succeeding dwindled. Seeking out Tiktaq-to was the first...
Oh thanks Scalenex :D. I just hope people don't expect too much, since I'm not very good at this. Trying never hurt anyone huh :p. I could post...
Part 2: Seeking approval. He knew Time was short, but his vision would have to be discussed with the greatest of the Slann. He seeked to find...
Thanks :). I will be adding to that suspens :p. Hoping to get a new chapter in every day to keep you wandering, instead of putting forth the...
Hello everyone. I'm trying to get some fluff out of my puny brain. I am by no means a writer, and my english might fail me from time to time. The...
Next thursday! But this is without the army books of 9th only with rulebook and magicpaths of 9th...
Those rippers and the slann look amazing!
1) -Ancient ( first of the old ones) -Cold-blooded -Mysterious (come true portal, destroy high elf foes, go back in portal, no words spoken xD)...
I'm in a knot with this. I really want to take the 3 krox. I really want 2 salamanders. I really don't want tetto in a skrox unit but in he's own...
Yes I know, but like I said. We are not playing with the new army books yet. As for a volley gun... well everyone knows they are painfull to deal...
Hi all, I've got an upcominig encounter vs an Empire list of 1500pts. My main goal is to test some units out that I haven't used before and to...
Yeah by the new city names indeed they can :). New stories new temple cities new beast names ! :p
Stop making it harder! Pink I like these aswel!! :D => conjurer of fate, guardian of the great design. I really like the conversion of pip's...
Ok here it goes: Lizardmen: Firstborne (Phat) ; First Spawned ( own version) Slann Mage Priest: Coatl (Pip)...
I do know these polls suggest somewhat even more buffs to our troops and with the magic banner we already have a solid upgrade for saurus... but...