Well, I don't know much in the way of tactics, but there were a few things that stood out for me with this list. One, You're going to be very...
Thanks, could I see a red shield please, n810. daismith 906, what colour do you use for the skink shields?
Can you post pictures on the actual thread please, if you don't know how to, look at asrodig's tutorial. I don't have a facebook account so can't...
Thanks, how do you do that, that could be really useful.
Thanks, mate, sounds cool, I might give it a try.
Almost finished a unit of 15 of these guys, any suggestions as to the shield colour? I wanted to lay it out a bit like GW have - Blue for skin and...
Yeah, sorry, just to clear up - The only areas that are painted are the skin and scales, nothing else. The skin is Fortress Grey, washed with...
The skin is painted, I know it looks a bit like it hasn't been, but I'm hoping that after all the extra detail has been added then it won't look...
This model was made and painted by Ben Komets, it won France Golden Demon Monster and Rider 2009. [attach] Look on Google for more pictures.
Quite good, overall. I might be a bit worried about the lack of solid units that you can trust, only two units I'd count on in combat - Temple...
What about shield colour? Any ideas on that? Thanks for your advice, Larinus
Where can you buy multi-bases from, or do you have to make one?
Thanks, I wont forget that.
Sorry, can you just explain to me how you drop rocks on a unit and then charge the next turn. Do you have to fly over the target, and then in your...
Just rediscovering Warhammer Fantasy and my old 4000pts Lizardmen army, and have decided to go over my rubbish old painting, so am trying to find...
They could work quite well if you put a unit of about 4 of them in front of a unit of Skink Skirmishers with blowpipes, and target out high...
I like the way you've added some red scales to the saurus, and the way you've layered the reds, oranges and yellows on those scales.
Something that functions a bit like a daemonhost from Daemonhunters would be nice - add a sense of randomness to a battle. More flying stuff and...
Re: My army - Painting Blog Nice work SeBM, I especially like the Saurus Oldblood that you converted, how are the skinks coming along?
Do you have to use an image hosting site?