We play with anything between 1k to 2.5k here. It all depends on the mood and and such of people. For instance when I want to play, but feel lazy...
Take it easy now! Saurus warriors sell in boxes of 16 separately with 20 in a battalion, not 10.
Re: Convince men on Lizard men. Let me just quote a friend of mine who recently decided to just put away his 4-5k worth of Chaos in favour of...
Fantastic, The Hunted. It's good to see you post something largely positive for once in my odd visits to this place. :] Not meant to sound...
I guess the sculptors at GW just like a good licking.
Vampire counts being in that list has to do with your cookies. (Not the edible kind)
I'm not a real fan of Slaan's or skink priests (Not that they are bad, which they aren't!) and since I always liked the image of a flying snake...
And again...
Well, I'm usually free on weekends, so I can hop in at more or less appropriate times. Although I will probably just end up doing that every now...
I support promoting the chat also. I might after all have something arguably valuable to add then! I hope this is how it's done. Are you straining?
Fixed it for you.
I use the quote in my signature against you in this thread! (while simultaneously sharing some irony!)
A First player Shooter Console? You mean a computer? (zing) You already have one of those obviously. But sure, computers are always good to have....
I came up with the basis of an idea? Wow.
Well, I don't really update my blog a lot so I'll exchange the link for the next Scum&Villainy. Maybe I should start doing something remotely...
I want to know how far the Empire captain gets. Any bets?
It should preferably also play music.
Karamelldansen is in Swedish, fyi. I'm Swedish. Not good.
Well then. My new year's resolution is as usual to figure out something clever to have as one. But I've promised myself to make a playlist with...
Well then. I really didn't expect my Branchwraith to actually get anywhere, so. But I can't complain. I love Dryads.