Sweden! o/
I've honestly been neglecting most things as of lately. I'll blame Minecraft. Cheers!
I play League of Legends and Starcraft 2. What is Black Ops? I know what it is, silly. I just prefer CoD 1 and 2 as opposed to the MW series....
North east what? I doubt there's snow in North eastern Kenya for example. Well, here there's enough snow to almost reach me knees. (read as:...
"Well then, looks like we're lucky this day. Unlike that poor cow." he says, chuckling. "But then again, I have nothing much to add. I'm just glad...
He muttered as sunshine hit his eyes, and rolled over. But that didn't help forgetting yesterday's event. So he forced himself to wake up, walking...
Well I don't remember all too much equipment starting with A. (assuming you want the netlings) But there are a few things though, but I don't know...
Well I saw I had to update, all good. I'm not in a hurry so, I update. But when it was done it looked so horrible, so horrible... So horrible in...
Mass of colour is hurting my eyes. Just to let you all know! No, I'm not contributing any more to this thread. Cheers!
"I have figured it all out!" he shouted, standing in the centre of town. "It was werewolves!" An eerie silence filled the air, and he walked off...
Character name: Gratha Character type: Branchwraith Army: Wood elves Cheers!
I ought to say my Oldblood fought well. If I had won over the orc I doubt I would have stood long before the assassin. Killing blow is brutal....
Also consider WoC, who share a similar army setup with Lizardmen. They're very strong in Close combat. (Lizardmen aren't as much, but strong none...
First read that as 'Go Koala!', but not to be picky about fictional characters but the oldblood's name is Qrix. :D Cheers!
You know, I actually was a bit worried about facing you, Craken. Mainly your Glittering scales/Sword of Striking combo, so all I had to hope for...
Ah, we'll see about that. But I'm taking the safe bet. :D Cheers!
Sir, you just made my day. :D And Craken, my bets are on the oldblood winning. Cheers!
Having apparently blacked out the previous night amongst a bunch of barrels in the backyard of a house he didn't recognise for a moment...
Hunting packs use Skinks for armour. Why don't skinks have a save of their own then? I'm not sure if this one's true, but you can hit a crew...
Oldblood versus Skaven Warlord. Cool stuff. Novatomato, when times come around let the best (luckiest) Anthromorph win.