Looking suitably drunk a considerably thin man managed to somehow overhear Sir Zantos and dreadgrass. With no sign of having been drunk at all he...
Contests are always fun. I'll say I'm interested, but won't join for the first few (unless they are held after april next year!) since I have my...
Well then, my good ol' Oldblood (which is quite a new addition actually) would be a nice challenger I guess. Character name: Qrix the blade of...
My mark was a reference (vague of course!) to the Hitch-hiker's guide. ;) I have to say though, I only realised Eternity-warden was the...
Ye, I'm pretty screwed over right now! :smug:
Red lizards! I like you already. It looks good. Could use more (clearer) highlights and such, but it's not bad. I don't like the base though, but...
I'm loving that you're going to try running without a slann. This is like the 3rd time I see anyone bar me to make do without pedo-toad and his...
"Yes indeed Strewart, as far as I know being the only one I know of who asked for a knife the day Nova got murdered is also the only thing that...
Winner Cheers!
Definitely wash them a bit. Trust me, a wash on the TG's helmet (for example) and then highlighting it will make it spectacular. I like the vines...
"Thank you very much, Warden. But I only voted for the sake of securing a majority, and because he was the only one I knew of who had set up...
I remember the display pictures from the 7th ed army book to like the current Salamanders. The 3 I have (old ones) are well enough, even though...
I have only faced Goblins so far in 8th. Comparing points is not an option. They kill a lot of goblins though, I just need to remember Fear if...
(OOC: Sorry for being in-active for a bit, I don't have the best memory. I forget things easily, and procrastinate too much.) "Still, Xlcontiqu,...
I've failed a leadership due to a single skink fleeing for his pitiful life once, didn't rally for 3 turns then when I did I failed stupidity. Bad...
You should give the hat to a Slann. Cheers!
I don't know about you, but Stupidity doesn't bother me. Especially not as it got a boost in my eyes. Ld8, Cold blooded shouldn't have a problem...
"Actually I do not, Strewart. I may be a traveller, and we all know a traveller should be wary of his surroundings, but I don't know of anyone...
I've been playing cautiously with my CoC since 8th hit, having 10 of them (2 blocks, and I don't know why) to pretty much just support my saurus....