Say whaaaaat!? I need one of those shirts, pity it's just an avatar shirt. But I need it. It's a small step for a man, but a big leap for saving...
Do consider Salamanders. I had 3 sitting around without being used for a good while and only tried them now in 8th. I think I fell in love when I...
I can't say they look great, but they're decent. I wasn't really that great on the converting front at the time (I was green with greenstuffing)...
Lets see if I can put some opinion to this too. From my own perspective. 1. A single battallion is well enough. 2 is over-kill, I bought my...
I quite like the parry save HW/SH confers. Gives me that extra staying power, and possibility to dodge the odd great weapon hit. In 7th I had...
Carnosaurs are giant angry dinosaurs that bite. They don't fancy rules. I can only say that I agreed with the folks in my group that multiplying...
Eagleblaze has it. The 'bog-standard' Lizardmen banners are mostly worth their weight in whatever. I for instance face O&G, Empire and Chaos. So...
Kamikaze skinks? Really? If I wanted to kill more I'd spend those points on another Scar-vet of mine. But that's me. Cheers!
I have a sole skink priest (lvl2) leaving me with either handful of dice left or going overkill on iceshard blizzard. On the other hand mages...
I disliked that The Hunted got First blood on me! :D But I can only say that I had a blast reading, even if I didn't participate. In other...
I had the same problem, so I used greenstuff, like knut. If you don't have greenstuff try basing the base. Cheers!
From how I understand it poison works on both warmachines and chariots. So those crew guys can't hide behind their cannon, because skinks got...
Very true. Now Dragons on the other hand... Cheers!
The cake is a lie. Nice blue Carnosaur. Interesting that, I wish you luck in finishing it. :) Cheers!
Large target exists, I believe I did come across it. Something about not benefiting from cover provided by infantry. I must admit that I didn't...
So they're monsters, but not really? March & shoot is fun, and even more evil now in 8th. :bored: Cheers!
Errata says Chilly lizards and blowfish are monsters. Rule book says War beasts. I'll go with Monsters. Thunderstomp is fun. :D Cheers!
Ah thanks, I'll check that right up. So they did pull off a 40k then, such a pity that. Saves space I guess. Cheers!
That's probably just the whiners working themselves up. :) Frenzy+2xHW has stacked before, I don't see any need for change. It's no like it makes...
I didn't see anything about multiple shots giving a penalty to shooting when I and 2 friends were reading the book cover to cover today. Although...