I'm guessing all the scissors in the house are in that present.
Here is Hawkalugi. It is unknown whether the name applies to the Oracle or her acid-spitting steed, so people just use one name to refer to both....
@Gogery here ya go. [ATTACH]
They might be called hounds, yet they are just large cats with some feathers and a beak.
The feather kitty is adorable.
Yep! What would you like?
If you think those are gory, you shoud see the cookies at my place.
If you're fighting Sylvaneth, use fire. Lots of fire.
Hi. We are a bunch of crazy people. Mostly @spawning of Bob and @NIGHTBRINGER.
Started work on some riperdactyls. The first one is Kitty, and when he's done he will look like a tiger. Also, one of his claws is missing....
Here are some of my older miniatures. First, as requested pages ago, Tarlik the Oldblood. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Now, Hawkalugi the...
The snack that smiles back, until you try to eat it, then it claws your face off.
Now my Trog won't die after a few rounds of combat. This update, combined with the point changes in GH2017, mean it is truly the Age of Skinkmar.
Just Simple Green. After a few days of sitting there I removed the paint with a toothbrush.
Just get a bastiliadon. Easiest way to answer your question. (I can offer no sane tactical advice, my tactics are nonexistent.)
Yeah, yet it was never revealed to us what the great plan is...
@NIGHTBRINGER, I'm sorry, yet the truth needed to be revealed to you for a long time.
It helps that the icon and the drums already have spikes, so if opponents get confused as to why the standard bearer or drummer are attacking, you...
Proof that the Lizardmen were always destined for space. Maybe I should convert some Skinks to look like these guys... [ATTACH]
Depends on your opinion of cats.