Hi. Welcome to Lustria Online, home of a bunch of crazy people and a few lizards.
No matter what I say, the thread descends into cats...
I have no tactical advice whatsoever, so I'd reccomend whatever looks cooler.
I have written some lore to explain the changes, if anyone's interested. [SPOILER]
Truly they have been blessed by Huanchi, Old One of felines*. *Officially they're the Jaguar God, but I'm pretty sure they also include other cats.
Probably to make warmbloods wonder why they do it. Or to prevent followers of Slaanesh from getting any ideas.
Now, a somewhat large update. First, the standard for my pack of cold ones, and the pack themselves. [ATTACH] Sorry about the crappy pictures....
I was reading the Warhammer Wiki when I found an article on a beast called the Carnivorous Snapper. It's basically a large, bipedal reptile used...
Actually, I already started painting her, and if I change her color scheme I will probably be ripped to shreds.
Do you want shooty or smashy? There, answer that and you answer the original question. You're welcome.
It looks nice. Also, you have used more greenstuff on that one conversion than I have right now.
Guys, I have no idea how to sculpt armor, and the sabertooth is already primed, so Battlecat will need to wait.
I'm going to try to repaint these small plastic toys. The sabertooth is going to look like Shadow, a cat, and the Utahraptor is probably going to...
I don't really know how to describe it, kind of like the old 'Eavy Metal from the 80s or 90s.
And now, some lore I made up to explain the changes to the Compendium units. Some Seraphon who were once well-known champions, such as...
I recently got some of the old skink archers, and I want to paint them in an older style. Any tips for how to do this?
Okay. I don't really have a good sense of the rules, yet I'll try to make them les op.
I don't know, I'm thinking Bloodpriest would cost 120 and Warclaw 110. Still not final on points cost.
I created some replacement warscrolls for Skink Chiefs and Tehenhauin, if anybody's interested. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I've created some custom rules to replace the current rules for Skink Chiefs and Tehenhauin. Feel free to use them. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]