You could try to have the highlights transitioning into other colors, like green to blue.
I got some of the older skink archers, and I'm currently removing the paint from them. Should I give them shields or hand weapons in their...
Hello, fellow feline.
Yes, the skinks can't be attacked.
And now, a text wall, featuring a song from a movie I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you...
Just a Skink chief I threw together. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
@Warden, it's actually metal, but between the bad quality of the pictures and early paintjob on the helmet, it does look a lot like stone.
@Xavier here you go. Please excuse the crappy photoshopping. [ATTACH]
Since I chose to turn this into a plog, I'm assuming that means I now need to post various pictures of my army. Here they are. These were the...
Hello, and welcome to the Crazy Reptile Associative Postingboards. (Or Lustria Online, if you dislike acronyms.)
@Xavier, okay. @n810, I got the job.
That sign is speciesist.
I'm still active ya know!
I started work on a custom Astrolith bearer, mostly because I was inspired by the work of others on LO. I'm wondering if I need to give it a...
@Bracnos All hail Bastet, the cat goddess! I meant Glory to Tzeentch Sotek! Yep, totally.
I'm wondering how he moves around. His tail appears able to support his weight, so would he slither, or walk normally?
You're right, some are Slaadi.
Forgot to upload the picture. Here it is. [ATTACH]