~Chapter Three~ Vanta stared at her scryer's orb, hoping that nothing urgent would happen soon. She was in the middle of some news from Sigmaron...
Amazing work, and I'm sorry for stealing the idea of a Skink hero with greatbow.
And if some backstabbing happens, could a clan be led by the dog-men? (Dog-person kills original clan warlord, demotes various other leaders, puts...
Yep, yet they got destroyed early game by Bloodbound.
Yet would Skaven accept those creatures into their Clans? I would imagine you would know that because you have some information on Skaven, the...
A good 50 point list that I used was 1 Starpriest, general 2 Ripperdactyls 8 Saurus warriors, one champion and one Stardrake icon bearer.
In a few weeks I'll be starting a converted Skaven army, and part of their lore has to do with Warpstone mutating some dogs into dog-men. I'm...
I am often burdened with this choice when I am in a hallway with a good book.
Oh. Never mind.
I could have some tips on converting your own version of him, if you're interested. You will need some spare bits and/or greenstuff.
I did some expansion on the original concept art and added a Skink rider. Is this the look you're going for? (Ignore the eraser marks) [ATTACH]
Some might, and I already know who to cast for Zazu.
Why hasn't somebody filmed The Lion King with cats as actors?
Hummingbirds, butterflies, and certain bats also like flowers, so she could be one of those.
I'd recommend Seraphim Sepia.
17 is a bit excessive, but maybe 3 or 4.
Snakelike meow
What happened to the original purpose that this thread was designed for?
I'm guessing the words Oxyotl was shouting were either the names of ruined cities, or notable Lizardmen champions that were slain.
Nakai now is partially armed, and he also has backbanners because why not? [ATTACH]