By the end of the month I will have completed my Lost Kingdoms Kroxigor. I WILL have done it... I WILL..... It's only 3 models!
I buy almost exclusively second hand mini's and as such fliers NEVER come with in tact flying stalks. I use these:...
That is a phenomenal effort/reward ratio right there. 21~ hours is pretty mental for the quality you have managed to achieve.
Once again - bravo, they look fantastic. How many hours total would you say you invested?
I am planning a banner that reads “aanngg on....” Because our games usually happen after a few beers and when someone busts out a funky rule...
Bit of a cop out then? Sounds like they just played the greatest hits. Unpopular opinion but I think Rey turning to the dark side would have been...
That will Just about cover it - thanks! But how come the emperor is still alive? How'd they explain that? A picture speaks a thousand words ;)
Ok I'll bite. I am unlikely to see the latest star wars film anytime soon but it is overwhelmingly apparent that it has not been well received....
Man this looks like so much fun, does anyone have a link to where I can read up on the rules of Mordheim?
Stripping vs painting over - Depends on what yo have to work with. Sometimes you'll get lucky and a quick shade over the top and then re-doing...
@Scalenex linked a very nice thread on all things redirection from the high elf forum in his skink chief tactica (...
Starting work on my Oxyotl proxy... finally!
Another option for the demon prince is boosted amber spear (thank you to @NIGHTBRINGER for that one). S10, D6 Multiple wounds would soften him up.
Our resident "Definitely not a rat" @Sneek Verminspy may have some insight
It’s a shame Oxyotl has such shit rules as I love the fluff.
Luckily for you there is a handy guide made by @Crowsfoot...
I wouldn’t want fantasy to fall into the same trap as 40k where it’s just marines marines marines. Variety is the spice of life.
I voted beastmen and wood elves (y)
You know the right answer deep down. Stop prolonging the inevitable ;)