Steggadon = Great Saurus old blood = Great Scar Vet on Cold one = Okay Skink priest with feathered cloak = Poor Saurus sunblood = Great...
I said Beastmen because I believe they should have their day in the sun along with another army that has't been in some sort of starter set....
Thanks for the info - I have both the 1.9 BRB FAQsnd the skaven faq but I’m having a hard time finding the spell types
1. Can you challenge the plague priest character (sorry I do not know the names) in a unit of plague monks if they have taken a plague furnace as...
Welcome I’m more team Gor’rok myself ;)
Happy New Year! Resurrection time! Taking just this line from the FAQ: "Q. If an enemy unit is affected by the Doom and Darkness spell, and the...
It is super interesting that people are gravitating towards similar picks. I went with (in no particular order): - Chaos Dwarfs. They weren't...
I was going to suggest covering it in a paper-maché mix - good job! gotta love TV packaging for terrain!
I understand that conquest ends up being really good value for money. I assume this would as well? it is a rotten shame it is stormcast and...
I didn't say that they get a wrap around :confused: I would also like to add to my list - make named characters worth taking or at least make the...
Ah it's the +1 to hit bonus I get them confused. But yes there is no penalty to spinning it round for the bonus, or spinning them round prior to...
"The build" of the demon Prince includes it for protection against spells from the lore of metal primarily as they also count as flaming attacks....
I change my mind about the horde rule. I will swap it for a change to how random movement works with regard to charges and spinning round on the...
I believe the beam of chotec counts as flaming attacks so would be nullified by the dragonbane gem (unless it was destroyed with high magic first)...
Not so much the horde rule itself, but there isn't much point in fielding a block of 20 of anything which is a shame. It's a more tactical game if...
- nerf cannon and volley gun accuracy/lethality - allow monsters to disrupt units when charging the flank/rear - get rid of the horde block meta...
I honestly believe there is no need for this. They KNOW which rules are broken and which need changing. Edit: what I mean is I am sure there are...
It’s a fantastic way to play a game if you have an odd number of players, really good fun. As far as PDF’s I’m not sure where to go but the game...
OTS doesn’t effect the ward save of the character that has it
It might have been yes