Welcome back! I think we have some thanks to pay to total war for the old world making a comeback. So many people wanting to find out about a...
Don’t worry I could tell as soon as I started snipping them off the sprue. The resin files VERY easily too. Beautiful sculpts though. I’m still...
Literally the only thing I have to go on is a meme they uploaded to one of their official pages (Facebook or warhammer community? Can’t find it...
Finally started putting together my chameleon skinks from lost kingdom miniatures. These are some beautiful models if a pain to put together.
It’s early days but GW hinted that the new system would work with both squares and round bases somehow which would make the rebasing argument moot...
Yoinking this
Give your Carno's the roar upgrade, charge at anything that isn't in his leadership bubble, even if you won't make it. When they fail, re-direct,...
I mean, if I was being honest, if you are playing end times rules she will have all the OP end times units. Your dread saurian is gonna get...
I think it is important to understand that I do not think GW are going to "force" anyone to do anything with regard to re-basing. Anyone who...
I think their communication is a little poor overall. Was hard to find pricing info etc.. As soon as it's approved on the Apple store I'll give...
That's the vibe I got Initially. There will be a free version with basic features that should be good enough to test its merits so we will see.
I am in no way affiliated with these guys and I am critical of their business model however their app releases today. Reddit:...
I have had a go myself without any of the detail I would love to know. I went 5 wide, 3 deep, Musician, Old blood, Scarvet, Scarvet, Scarvet...
That's the one! Having a 5 player Christmas game this coming Saturday - Skaven, Vampire Counts, Lizardmen and the last 2 will be a pick from...
Can you play AOS with Square bases? I thought they changed the distance measuring rules at some point? And in any case - I believe the old world...
This is a stupid question, as I think I know the answer, but I assume Chameleon Skinks can set up anywhere on the board 12" away from an enemy...
I am guessing nobody knows? I listened to the baddice podcast but it had limited info
Funnily enough I was working close by to a GW and I went in and struck up a conversation with the guy in there about warhammer the old world. I...
Looks good except I thought focus of mystery only granted loremaster for high magic?
This can only be a good thing - if it sucks it doesn't matter because 8th edition isn't going anywhere. I don't think it will tie in too much with...