I think this
Post us some pics :D
There’s two sides and a skin but there isn’t a bottom as far as I can see....
I am currently trudging through 40 temple guard at the mo and thought the same thing - as far as I can see there isn't a back to the drum - which...
Do I need another 5 chameleon skinks...
Looking pretty sweet there my man! With regard to contrast paints - do you find that any speed benefits are negated by the need to be super neat...
Even the Euro to GBP is awful! But I will probably get myself some more chameleon skinks when they are available. Beautiful sculpts
Got mine last week. I had a look at them, compared to GW and then practiced some self restraint and put them back in the box. I have to finish my...
Skink priest bases are actually only 20mm :( Tehenhauin I believe uses a 40mm base maybe? The only thing I can think of is if you mounted him on...
Sorry to hear you are selling most of your stuff :( Have you got an updated list somewhere of what is being sold?
I'd be cautious about entering wars of attrition even at such low points limits. Then again I have little experience at this level.
Yes he should still get a look out sir! As he is infantry the same as the Templeguard. Against VC I'm not sure what I would suggest, the...
Alternatively, lost kingdom miniatures have just finished a Kickstarter for some beautiful lizardmen models. They have confirmed that they will...
He can't be bunkered with Templeguard, has to be put on the side so is still subject to charges/challenges etc which is a massive shame. Is it...
There is a quick and easy way to fix this, forget simple green or dettol. Get hold of some methylated spirit. Bath for 30 mins, scrub with a...
Slowly trudging through my 40 Templeguard. My 4 month old daughter makes it slow going
I have just started my project of 40 Templeguard I have bee putting off for ages. I had the opportunity to use these paints instead of my usual...
This looks awesome, however I am worried about the 8th edition Saurus ranking up with that much foliage on the base, do you know if the...
I love the leaf cover on your base! Where from?
Ah well then you CAN see it, so you must paint it! Weapons, shields etc that block access to visible bits I agree you have no choice. But then...