[IMG] So..... 4 years later! Can anyone give a detailed summary of what Daly's videos showed? his channel has been discontinued by the looks of...
For the most part there is no point in painting in bits IMO. When the model is assembled: If you can't see it - Don't paint it.
Yeah, you march in the remaining moves phase AFTER charges have been declared so that is impossible. It's just one of those weird rules you get...
My two carnosaurs for practicing the dual carno list! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] The riders are magnetised in their chairs so can be swapped or...
I agree with all of the above ^
You'll get no help here. We're all enablers.
You don’t take the bastiladon for it’s bound spell. You take the bastiladon to force a dispel dice from your opponent. Basically - you can throw...
[IMG] I think that will work. I don’t really like the helmets with Viking horns on them, I may not use them and just have all as the one on the...
Those skeletons for example :)
Awesome stuff dude, I’m in the uk by the way ;)
Never played battlefleet gothic, I should give it a try sometime. I have a few questions - how much do you charge and how do you stop yourself...
first off: - change the bound spell from Shems burning gaze to something unique and more akin to the amber spear from beasts. - give him a 4+...
I fielded him twice total. First time he was instantly killed by a doom diver, second time he was eaten alive by 3 skull crushers, Neither him nor...
I agree with most of the above points ^ the only exception is the sharpened horns. And I would upgrade it to an ancient if you can get the points...
I had a go at moulding some new helmets to try and save these guys [IMG] I should be able to restore them! This does make me think what I could...
And round and round we go! ha
I will do this next time I face them and see what happens!
Ooooook So it turns out that banner of the world Dragon protects against miscasts while magic resistance does not via FAQ. 50pts?!?! What load...
You are only ever living up to your own expectations. Only you can look at a model and decide if you are happy with it, it will either bring a...
Mods please remove if this thread is too old to add to but everyone is suggesting simple green, detol, fairy power (NAIL POLISH REMOVER?!? no no...