Just reinforcing my reservations! Ha Popping into my closest games workshop (sorry, “warhammer” shop) with my Lizardmen army might be beneficial
No love for 9th age? Interesting
As I say I prefer dwellers below from life for this task as it’s a STR test, so kills models on 4+ and most heroes on a 5+. I love the idea of...
40 odd 1+ saves, lances, mounted warrior priest, mounted life wizard, mounted captain BSB, mounted general armed with runefang and anything else...
Thank you for that information Do the rules state models must be on round bases? Or is it purely for measuring purposes?
I have been playing 8th edition since my friends got me into it over a year ago and we have been promising ourselves we will try AOS despite our...
I’ve updated the poll to incorporate people who only paint/collect ;) I’ve heard KOW is fairly easy going, might be worth dipping into if we can...
was wondering what game systems people play the most? Is it worth trying kings of war for example? I’ve only ever played 8th edition.
Tonight I finish Gor-Rok, probably my best painted model yet.
Loremaster was an indulgent suggestion :p But I would have liked to see jungle swarms with the ark of sotek be a more viable strategy for...
The work you have put into this is great, it really is. You’re obviously a player with real passion and I love that. But... I don’t think you...
European Tabletop Championships I was looking over the army lists for the 2015 8th edition championships and not a single list had any saurus...
as per the title really. Just curious. I’ve been playing 8th edition for just over a year now and while I don’t play ETC rules I imagine the...
http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/kings-of-war/salamanders/product/salamanders-sprue.html I’ve just found this from Mantic - comes with two...
Thanks for the reply guys I’ll present him the options and make him pick one :p
So my friend doesn’t know this yet but I’m gonna give him a kick up the arse in painting his Skaven army. Spray the base colour, wash and...
I am going to do a Lord Kroak on this thread.... Me and my friends have been playing 8th edition for just over a year now and I have learnt a...
I am, I'm trying to find one with a more dynamic pose than what we get as standard. If this could be used on a mounted one that would also be great
I've been on the lookout for scar vet models with great weapons. As far as I am aware, official models do not exist. I am after stances that look...
I think for next game I am going to take my usual slann build and two level 2 skinks with beasts, hope to roll amber spear or a double across both...