For the current list, I think you're better off with Thunderlizards. If you want to swing towards Koatl's Claw then I suggest including either...
Overall the CCP has been successful as a regime. The quality of life and access to wealth and escape from poverty has been exponentially furthered...
Mesopotamia is such a large region with so many varied kingdoms. Egypt is also a large region with 4 different kingdoms in its early history. The...
Moving endless spells after their initial casting is done before the the first turn of the round. After players roll off, the person who goes...
They last until the next hero phase. If moved at the start of the round they last until the start of the next round.
Welcome to Lustria. Based off what you own at the moment, I think playing as coalesced would work better for you. You won't have access to...
Bound Geminids and Bound Purple Sun can work well in almost any of our list. I tend to like BwV for one of the three slots. However, I can see...
Very fun looking list. I think the build is capable enough to kill it's way through a lot. Objectives will be rough. In a majority of cases you...
1000pts army requirements and restrictions are: 1-4 Leaders, Min 2 Battleline, 0-2 Behemoths, 0-2 Artillery, & 0-2 Endless Spells.
It only checks at the start of the fourth battle round. Your ambush sequence works.
Burning head isn't bad. Purple sun is just useful for thinning stubborn units like Mortek Guard and Hearthguard.
In addition to those mentioned above, Bound Purple Sun is also great.
The kit has 8 Knights and 12 Warriors. You can use one knights to build an SCV on CO and the others to build knights.
Buy 20x Warbands is a much bigger ask though :D
My favorite sculpt is the Starseer.
I would save the points and bid for a Triumph. Rerolling saves, hits, or wounds, once per game could be massive. Specially hits for the Bastiladon.
Looks like a solid Knights list. I would bring Bound Geminids with your remaining points.
So, do you not like buffs and synergies?
AoS already does a lot of this via battleline and hero aura's.
It is best to use multiple thin coats of paint. Spend time looking at the model before you start to prime or paint it. Get a good feel for all the...