Welcome to Lustria. I like Skink Spam a lot for Warcry. I am not aware of any point update. I only play AoS 2k for tournament though. War Cry has...
I like the Green w/Black shield and the White w/LightBlue Shield.
Welcome to Lustria. Nice looking blood bowl team!
Yeah, the 5 attacks ups the value of the Eviscerating Blade and Blade of Realities. Also, nearly any of the Malign Sorc weapon Artefacts.
I have found liquid greenstuff is better for smoothing over a rough surface or filling in small pits and bubbles in resin. If the gap is large I...
Yep, Sunblood and Oldblood are great. If you play Koatl's Claw then the Sunblood become much more valuable than the Oldblood if you can only fit...
I like the Celestial Maul for the Oldblood. The main reason is that it can spike higher damage. And seeing as I really don't want to send the...
You under estimate my power! *glares in moderator*
^ all the things @Erta Wanderer said.
Welcome to lustria. Well summed up. I was really hoping for Prayers and totems. Mount traits would have been nice, but I have been more of Skink...
Welcome to Lustria. Your conversion seems to be on the right path. Greenstuff is definitely the key to fill in the various gaps. Please post...
I don't put any weight in Astrology. Like @Aginor said, it is confirmation bias.I think personality test or other psychological and cognitive...
Very true! Most things in our battletome are viable. The difference in optimal vs viable is pretty low for our army, but still highly impactful...
If you want to run skink blobs then FoS is better than DT. The command ability for FoS carries a lot of weight.
Our Endless Spells are great. Bound Geminids should be in every list :D
Welcome to Seraphon! These are units that will never be wasted: Lord Kroak Skinks Salamanders Starpriest Slann Kroxigor Terradons
I think your links betrayed you.
Treelord Ancients can at least summon one set of Trees for free via Silent Communion. I still think you are better off taking something else though.