Steggies are pretty solid in combat. So I can certainly see the argument for keeping it in list.
You can however just be Starborne or Coalesced. You don't have to take one of the four subfactions.
In 2k take both. In 1k list I prefer the +1 to wound since you can already get the +1 to hit via Koatl's Claw. The Sunblood also target's an enemy...
As of the new S2D battletome, the Chaos Warshrine only works on Mortal Slaves to Darkness units.
I nearly always take the Suarus Astrolith Bearer in any list that brings Kroak. The extra 6" to spell range and +1 to casting are huge. That alone...
I like the list! Kroxigor are under rated, especially when in TQ-Temple Host. I think replacing the Slann with Kroak is ideal. I would honestly...
I am hoping for a Skink Wizard/Priest Hero, and a Kroxigor in the remainder of the Warband. I assume the Seraphon looking Staff in the rumor...
I have just haven't ported all things over. Life has been shocking busy as of late. I still like that list though :D
It works. But you will definitely have to argue it. If you plan to do it at any events then check with the TO beforehand. I normally show up early...
I agree with @Nart, Version 3 looks the best. Kroak is great for the needed CP and provides good MW output. He will also give you a leg up in the...
Welcome to the hobby. It sounds like you've gotten a solid start with the game so far. It also seems like you are aware that OBR is in a strong...
Looks good. I like your color palate.
Slann are very viable. Kroak is the better option though. Also, heroes no longer attache to units. However, Saurus Guard can soak damage for...
Welcome to Lustria. 2000 points is the standard army size. Most Seraphon units are playable. Saurus Guard are the only units that I wouldn't...
This. I frequently view the battle in waves when I am playing a combat ranged army. Knights are normally first wave or a flank guard. Saurus...
Perhaps a Sarus Racial feat that if taken allows intimation checks to be made with str mod + proficiency. And a +1 to character's str stat.
I would take Master of Star Rituals or Nimble for the Starseer. Master of Star Rituals and Incandescent Rectricies is a good combo if you are...
It was brain fart. Was thinking about the old CA that rerolled wounds. +1 pretty well equals out on either side of the equation though. I would...
I think you will get more done with 5 extra Knights under buff than you will with a Carnosaur on field. Sunblood also does more to help with the...
Oh, I agree about Tournaments. It is why I made a comment above that it won't have much if any effect on organized play.