I was here for one of the past orders. The dice are nice and I use them when I play Serphon (which is not often since my son has all but stolen...
I'm not getting the updated versions when I try. Saurus Guards are still showing as one wound each (5 models and 5 hearts for 80 points)....
As a former High Elf player, I'm disappointed in the artistic direction of the Teclis model. In a way I'm glad though; less to distract me from...
Looking great! Those yellow Skinks are striking amidst all of the blue Saurus. Really excellent work!
Looking great! I'm loving your razerdons. keep up the good work.
Wow, very nice paint jobs. That dark striped Bastilodon looks sharp!
Wouldn't the small model size be advantageous for us though? I'm all for bigger stuff, but if our models are smaller, it makes it harder for the...
My second army is Cities of Sigmar since I have a fair sized Dark Elf army and a much larger High Elf army. However, both elf armies and my...
Welcome to Lustria. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. There should be some Skaven heads to much on in the fridge....
Nakai has been my favorite to play with so far. However, I have not tried them all yet.
Well, I have finally gotten my brushes out and got some work done. No Seraphon at the moment as I'm waiting for the Battletome to hit before I...
:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:... that is all.
I'm loving that base post. It looks like the Slann is gathering power DBZ style.
Welcome to Lustria/the Stars of Azyr! I'm sure you'll find more than you bargained for within the forum.
Painting Stormcast and Nighthaunt from the Storm Strike box set. I've put all Seraphon painting on hold until the new book comes out and I just...
I've managed to unpack enough models to play a Skirmish campaign with three of my minions. As for actually painting, I'm currently a heretic on...
I can't really call it long awaited, but I've been putting off painting anything Seraphon until the new Battletome was released. There is light...
Wow! That looks really good!
Good work. I like the scheme on the Saurus quite a bit. The cold ones/trog scheme is well done too. They almost look volcanic.
We are now four battles into our Shadespire campaign. So far I have lost three out of four. However, the Seraphon/High Elf team has been...