Signed. If we don't try, we have no room to complain when things don't go our way. Voting with dollars will get their attention faster, but...
Against Chaos, I would go with the Lizards. Though the dragon is very, very tempting.
At last I can show my VC playing opponent just how obnoxious his zombies! I can hardly wait!
Does the newly FAQed Lords and Heroes allotment apply to Storm of Magic? If so, dual Slann is easy.
Goons will be goons, no matter the medium. That being said, if everything was on hand to make the model and take the picture, it wouldn't be too...
Ok, I have my book in front of me and Mazdamundi states, "The Great Plans has failed, the Exodus must begin." My previous assertion stands.
Wait, wait, wait, wait! I don't have my Nagash book handy, but wasn't Mazadmundi the one who declared the Great Plan of the Old Ones null? If I...
I didn't explain myself very well, but I am magnetizing the heads so I can use them as either rippers or terras. I was going to do the tails/legs...
He may not be the most current sculpture, but he is definitely still usable. He is just as effective (if not more effective) as the new model too!
I finally got around to spending my winnings from last weeks tournament. I purchased a box of Ripperdactyls. So far I have only built one Ripper...
I just perused this entire thread... there are no words.... :jawdrop:
Keep in mind that Transformation of Kadon is a Remains in Play spell. This means it can, and probably will, be dispelled in your opponents magic...
Re: The Nexs-Files - [Glowing eyes tutorial] Nice. Now to give it a shot....
WARNING: linear time has little sway in the following post's event descriptions! I finally got to play again! I participated in a three game...
Re: The Nexs-Files - [Full Army Pics] Nice full army pics! I think I need to do the same with my lizards (DE too now that I think about it)....
Ooooooh, your theme sounds really interesting! Be sure to post pics!
Do I want dice? Yes! Yes indeed! Can I afford dice right now? Between the blasted Druchi now occupying 25% of my shelf space and the...
Must find more spare model to sell... need funds for completion of compulsion.
Great point Scalenex! Storm of Magic is the epitome of throw lots of flaky stuff everywhere and watch "pandelerium" ensue. It is my preferred...
Re: The Nexs-Files - [HOLY CRAP I finally finished the TG] Oooh! I like the temple steps in the back ranks! Very nice indeed Brad!