Exodus from where though? Are they leaving Lustria, the continent or the planet?
I picked up the book and magic cards this morning (I got the only deck this particular store received in their order). Unfortunately I have not...
Re: The Nexs-Files - [(mostly)Completed Oldblood] Looks good to me!
Ouch. Further words fail me.
Ah yes. I had forgotten that little nugget.
Is it safe to assume Tyrion was hit by some hex or other that dropped his stats? If so, statistically speaking, how reliably would such a tactic...
Dwellers can't hurt him without some hex assists. He is S7. Purple Sun can't hurt him without some hex assists. His is I6 Final Transmutation...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) I would love to have the support of a Phoenix or two in my lizard armies. ASL and -1 strength...
Exactly what I was thinking.
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Hmm... not sure what happened there. Just ignore me please. :)
Keep in mind that Nagash can be fielded in a 2000 point game if using the new supplement rules from end times supplement (Lords can be up to 50%...
Are you saying Vamps the Tomb Kings are going to be allies? I thought they hated each other....
Last Saturday, playing T&T agians DE and VC with my Lizards while failing to bring magic weapons :D . The two units I fear the most end up in CC...
Re: The Nexs-Files - [Skink Skirmishers in a marsh] Skirmish trays would look sweet. I've been meaning to make a few myself. I get to it...
In a 750 point game I was focused on making my SV rock hard, so I spent all of his points on armor. I figured his S attribute was just fine for a...
I didn't have much choice. Half of my army was fleeing from the spirit hosts and banshee, because, like an idiot, I neglected to take magical...
I finally got to play a game! 750 pt Triumph and Treachery with my Lizards vs Vampire Counts vs Dark Elves. There were reports of a Skaven...
I had a game vs Vampire Counts last year where my lowly Skink Priest annihilated the Vampire General in a turn two challenge by using the Egg of...
Yep. :(
The last time I played against it, it was pre-Sisters (kind of tells you how long it has been since I've had a good game).