Made my Soulbond characters warscroll after the inspiration lol. @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl ty!!
Awesome! Ty to both of you! Nice write up too! Pointed out some things I missed the first go around. I can't wait to start building these guys,...
Even DoK got a new book relatively fast. I almost feel like once your army shows up in broken realms you get a new book to have the rules in one... Pretty good review of the warband.
I think the new Lumineth have more models coming out than Fyreslayers and Ironjawz combined lol! I do feel bad for Lumineth players though that...
I agree with them being a fluffy choice as well, most warbands for some reason are not good for actual AoS. I think Grashrak was the only one...
I think we will be a pretty solid warband. Thankfully the skinks aren't total chaff and we have solid reactions. I'm leaning toward maybe an...
Yeah I've got a serious (Lizard) man crush on Klaq-Trok myself lol. I was hoping to give these guys a shot anyway, but he kinda sold it lol. Finally! The actual goods! Lol
I think it's tomorrow (Saturday in case you don't see it before then lol)
I hope someone at GW reads this and uses it lol. He seems pretty powerful, but not too powerful!
@Killer Angel that would be pretty rad, a friend and I talked about doing this in 40k with a kill team mission in the where the attackers sneaky... Another sneak peak! Can't read a few but some cool ones. One turns the... Our lads are shaping up...
@Just A Skink I was wondering the same thing!
Boltspitters all day! Someone did the math and they are just not good lol. The extra range is always helpful even if it's basically no damage.
They're ok, but they cannot climb up things bc of the mount runemark, the guard seem to be the preferred units from what I've been reading.
Swapped the Slann out for the Oracle, less cps but get +2 wounds and can take the prime warbeast without any questions lol. Ty for the input @Shocksem
That's how I thought about it too, FaQs hurry!