I was looking at that, it only works for Carnosaurs and Trogs then, not the worst but stinks a little. The Skink chief has the same wording and...
It has the hero and monster keywords though. The stegadon helm gives it plus one save already and its armoured Crest gives it one more against 1...
Swapped the general to the EotG, for the extra attacks for the mount, pretty eggs all in one baskety but it will be cool to try lol.
Sorry for the lazy posting of the list instead of the write out, at work so had to make it quick. Basically buff and heal everything as much as...
The ripperdactyl would give you some extra mobility, and people still fear them so theres the possible "distraction" factor with him.
Congrats! Thanks for sharing, I'm still trying to get my list in order lol
I did notice with the ripper rider hero, it doesn't say a unit can only benefit from this ability once. So if you wanted to tou could dump cps...
Overall I'm really happy with all the changes, but I am slightly sad that the Carnos jaws are still rend -1 (like a wizards staff...) but I will...
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/04/remake-reality-the-realmshaper-enginegw-homepage-post-3/ Actually pretty solid! Hopefully it works...
The bound endless spells are super tempting! That's a pretty cool addition!
Lol @Boshea you read my mind!
I don't know if I've ever said it, but if the Carnosaur has some decent rend, I'll be one happy Kroxi!
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/02/seraphon-the-loregw-homepage-post-2/ Coalesced are a thing for sure! Getting pumped! The artwork...
They do have the double for +3 movement and the Hearthguard can make a bonus move and attack for a triple after they've taken some wounds, I'm...
But they would enjoy it if they were Fyreslayers lmao. Jk jk.
@NIGHTBRINGER feeling the......heat.... lol
Looks awesome! @DeathBringer125
I hate when that happens! @Moulinglacia send pictures when you get done or even now lol. I'm excited to see this!
I 3rd? Or 4th the glitter!! Lol