I don't think anyone will say anything about proxys. The guard are not too different from the warriors. Maybe do clubs for Saurus and spears for...
Yup that's what I get for looking thru pics and not waiting for the cards lol. It's good on the Saurus though! I pretty much made a triple every...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl you beat me to it! Lol
I hear that! The only reason my Ironjawz are painted (not all mind you) is bc I can use leadbelcher spray and be close to done with them lol. So...
I feel that pain with Ironjawz they made the weapon loads that were less popular better, and now all my painted stuff needs to have surgery on all...
@Cuetzpal Pilli saurus are the same as a goblin with shield so you're not wrong about mediocre, but I like the fluff direction you're headed lol....
Oh wow missed that, thanks for the heads up @Sebbs. I'm going to try the list out hopefully in the next day or 2 to see how it does. Been wanting...
Heres where I ended up for my list Knight leader 3 knights (spears) 1 ripper 2 saurus (spears) 2 skinks (blowguns) Mostly going to use the...
I could see that. Plus most of our stuff has 2" which can really hurt your opponents. Use a skink speed bump then poke over its head, make them...
Looking at it idk if Voracious Appetite is worth it much. For the price of 1! Wild dice you can make it a triple for the extra damage lol. I know...
@Skained awesome! Thanks for sharing!!
Welcome! And I hope you read that right, that would be a nice one to have for sure!
@BobbyHobby I agree, I've been helping the GF build her KO and I often say "damn these are cool" but they're not for me. Appreciate the support! lmao.
And then there were 2! Lmao
@Sebbs you're a legend! Ty!!
What does the barrage do? I main Untamed Beasts and their quad has saved the day all too often. "My Plaunsrunner moves up to your leader last...
Having 2" range on the Temple Guard is pretty solid. It's crazy how useful it is. Hoping lance knights have 2" as well
[ATTACH] so I snagged this from the video. Can't see much but it may help with some of the decisions. I just want Saturday to get here already so...
It is a pretty cool model. I can see why you guys miss it. Won't sway my vote though! Lol
I thought that was strange too, I dont think it is an indication of our new book though. The Megaboss has like 32-35 wounds(7 in AoS), while crypt...