@Tk'ya'pyk I think you spelt Magmadroth wrong! Lol jk jk jk. I'm vastly outnumbered here I'm trying to get slayers to two votes lmao.
@Tk'ya'pyk you can still have flame cannons.....with Fyreslayers! Lmao
That is correct! Not great on a low roll, but amazing on a high roll. If you had a quad 1 I'd say use the Rampage universal instead unless you...
Nice @Sebbs ty! I like what I've seen so far for out abilities.
I hope they keep going with the coalesced thing I like the idea a lot! Fingers crossed! Warcry is super fun and only like 10 bucks to get into if...
I think @Antisense nailed it, the 2 wep load outs and then a leader option for the Warriors and Knights. We could possibly get a Statdrake icon...
I like it! We could sticky this thread to start it maybe change the title?
Same here, I think we will be a pretty solid army from the units they previewed. Fingers crossed!
I figured as much, I thinknid be the only poster in it anyway lol. Thanks!
Saw we are getting Warcry cards! Should we add a separate section for it?
From what I remember they all worshipped Grimnir, but when he died they couldn't avenge him bc Vilcatrix died, so they decided to "reclaim" him by...
They could add "the crazed" can't remember the term but some Fyreslayers get so gold lusty or driven mad from trying to be Grimwraths that they...
Fyreslayers took 3rd at Cancon! My vote wins!!! Lmao jk jk. Was nice to see a list for them with a little bit more than Hearthguard Berserker spam.
I think Slann will have access to all endless spells and that's why we aren't getting our own.
So riddle me this, what if the coalesced is a rule where once we hit turn 3 we become "real" and become stronger but lose summoning?
@Erta Wanderer that would be ideal!
@Lizerd where is this magic!?
I know I know I always say it, but Carnos better have some better rend! (A guy can dream!!) Lol
Couldn't let my fellow red bearded comrades go unsupported! Lmao