I will say Fyreslayers are repetitive, but they're still my favorite. I really like their lore and that they're slightly different from...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl you are right! I just didn't want to brag DoK are everywhere! Hahah
They were enough to make me try Vostarg over Hermdar lol
The vostarg warrior kinbad is silly good with the buffs your 30 attacks hitting and wounding on 2s with the runeson and vostarg command ability....
@Canas sweet ty!
Sorry if it's been brought up but I heard we are getting actual spells this Generals handbook, anyone know about that?
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl same here I've got 1 turn with them and it was pretty awesome lol. Hopefully I can get them going at my shops Forbidden...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl I know I can't wait! Thanks for the reminder! How are you liking the new book?
I totally agree! I even wrote that on the app review lmao
I could see them being true for sure, minus the time line lol. With the Skaven book I think we'll get a good idea on how ours could go. Even Flesh...
@forlustria if they did that it would be the best/worst thing for me bc I'd have no one to split that box with! Lmao
Lmao @Killer Angel you kid but the Tinfoil hat on my head thinks you are right! Lol.
Being sneaky and getting caught? Lol here's the moderators post
Whelp the person posting the rumors on TGA got outed as a fake
Depends on the piece, most are before sides are chosen though from what I remember.
I think that poster was just before they announced it? I can't remember either lol. Is this our version of the Bearstein bears!?!?! Lmao.
@Womboski you read my mind! That's why I keep moving away from Seraphon to other armies. Fingers crossed these rumors are true!
@CitizenCake thanks for the heads up! I've tinkered with it since the first draft, and ended up at 1980.
The Constellation choice would be......stellar! Hahahahaha uh-hmm anyway, I really hope that part is true almost more than the spawning pools!