So I dropped the Kroxi and 6 Terradons to add a Slann, make it 6 rippers, balewind and cogs. The endless spells to help with the summoning since I...
Sweet thanks! That's what I was thinking as well. Dont have enough Kroxis for it Haha.
I feel your pain!
A friend and I came up with this list pre 2.0, never got a chance to give it a go. Thoughts on it working in a 2.0 world? Star Priest 80 Skink...
I hope! I think they mean mixed as in all of our army. Most monsters have the Skink key word already, except Carnos. But I hope I'm waaaaay wrong lol.
Brutal Saurus warriors all day please!
I've missed these posts lmao hope you've been well!!
@Aktanolt that's from a White Dwarf from around 2017 :/ but these rumors have me excited no less!
To be fair, he is still kinda Immortal, hide him in some skinks and have an eternity warden nearby. -1 to hit and just pass a long wounds. While...
Part of the Kroak nerfs, may also be to promote using the spell lores for the realms. Instead of spamming CD, you will be more inclined to cast...
I was really happy to see Ironjawz in 11th! I heard a rumor they were getting some love beginning of next year? So fingers crossed. @Aginor the first one I saw was 47th? So maybe worse? Lol
I think it's in addition to having to ant the banner, they have to be within the 12" I'd play it that way just so you don't get used to it being...
One use for the oodles of command points is to use the Scar-Vet on Carnos command ability a bunch on a unit of Saurus Knights so any sixes to hit...
DO IT! lol
The Kroak changes kinda make him work better for summoning at least. So that's kinda cool? Lol
@Killer Angel I like it!
@Dragonfire thanks!
@Killer Angel good call! I think I'm going to lose some friends now hahahaha
Thanks! We had a bunch of terrain actually but I rolled bad for it lol. Once he picked a relic that let him reroll wounds, then picked the...