Got to play yesterday a 1k game yesterday against mixed Stormcast. Here's the list. Heroes -Runefather with Amberglaive and exemplar of the...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl I think it was an FAQ where they said you can no longer change the dice roll for turn priority. I'm totally going to...
I like the new list! The lords of the lodge bonus on the turn roll isn't a thing anymore from what I understand, maybe they brought it back in...
After playing a few games of 2.0 I can say I really like it! The games seem closer, and our summoning is a lot of fun! Haven't tried a 2k or more...
@Aginor the Amberglaive is really appealing, +1 range and +1 to hit on a Sunblood seem fun! I want to use Rockjaw just to model it on someone lol.
I kinda shot myself in the foot a while back and said my army was from the realm of beasts, they have some decent relics but they are not like...
@thinlizzy nope! You say your army is from X realm and they brought it with them!
Nice! Let us know how it goes! @Xasto
Same here. Keep us posted about it. I'll send them an email as well
I'm having the same issue. Was going to wait a few days to see if they fix it without having to ask lol
@Aginor do you remember the threads title?
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl the eels are scary. They did 6 wounds to the new named Vampire on zombie dragon, and I think those were the more...
Now that we have all the rules, what realms are jumping out at you? Metal seems to have some nice artifacts. Give a guy fly and the ability to do...
I was pretty surprised too that you need 3ish books already. If you compare it to necromunda though. It's a dream. The rules are everywhere for...
@Putzfrau did your app update?
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl you could fudge the having to be from Chamon bit. My lodge is Lofnir, but that chain had Ur-gold in it so we received...
@HolySalad probably this afternoon?
Lmao @Joshua Horchler. Well played. I do want one of these so bad lol. Here it is! It's down the page a...
I think most armies without wizards have an auto unbind relic. Bcr have one as well. I was surprised we got one to be honest.