The color scheme is looking very nice and original !
It might be an idea ! Here is another blue lizard from lostKingdom, missing its mount right now, hope I will be able to have it soon. are definitively right, hopefully this is only collecting and not battle ready model but I might took care of this kind of issues on...
Ahah thanks, oO I am even more curious to see the final result now ! Good luck on this one, the idea seems really neat ! I totally understand your...
Amazing job, I really love the idea of saurus on snow, very original and well executed ! Thoug, I can see what seems to be an oldblood and he is...
Thank you very much ! I have to amit that I really love their models ! Here is one from Artisan guild, seems pretty close to what I imagined when...
Thanks ! I have to admit this was not my idea, I was inspired by this amazing video: [MEDIA] Continuing to post some pics with one more model...
Today some WIP troglodon-like from lostkingdom miniatures. I would like to create some huge base for this one but it is still WIP. Hope I may be...
Love the color scheme, the bronze looks very nice !
Yup, you are right, I did use some videos on Youtube as well and agree with you about their helpfulness. Thanks Lizards of Renown ! Here are two...
The dragon look very nice ! As for the saurus !
Not very useful comment but the color scheme on the skink looks very nice btw !
Thanks for the warm welcome, I have to admit I was a bit stressed as there are some really awesome painters here ! Unfortunately, even if I love...
Here is the first lizard, one that I love from my first entrance to the hobby, krog-gar on grymloq or at least Saurus oldblood on his mighty...
Hello dear fresh cold-blood brothers ! To be honest I do not have any idea how to procede but after several months to remains hiding in the...