First things first, I plan to finish my 10 Cold Ones. All I have left is to finish the bases and paint the effing eyes, but I may need to buy a...
I didn’t quite reach my goal, but I was close. I have to add a layer to the claws on 4 models, paint the dreaded eyes, and do the bases (nothing...
Actually, I just noticed that Balewind Vortex has been discontinued, and the Geminids would require me buying the entire Malign Sorcery box. Maybe...
Good to know, thanks! I haven’t committed yet to either Kroak or the regular Slann, so it’s nice to have some options.
Noted, thanks again. :)
Awesome, thanks so much! If I add 10 Saurus Warriors, 15 Saurus Guards and Lord Kroak, that’ll give me exactly 2,000 points. Switching up Kroak...
WARNING: noob questions ahead So I'm hoping the folks at Lustria Online will be able to help me complete my army roster. Up to now, I've mostly...
I’m considering it. :) We’ll see how much time I can find to paint once my paternity leave ends next week.
Posting here has worked so far to keep my motivation up. I’ve made good progress on my 10 Cold Ones and I hope to finish them before the end of...
Finally (finally!) finished the skin and scales of the Cold Ones. Finding time to paint with a newborn baby while also trying to close the...
Here are some examples from both paint jobs. Unfortunately I don't have the greatest lighting, since I haven't received my new lamp yet. [ATTACH]...
Perfect, thanks. I thought I layered the paint pretty well, but I could be wrong. I'll continue with the black spray on the warriors, in that case.
n00b question alert! As detailed in my introductory thread, bought a SC Seraphon box and 3 Kroxigors over the past couple of years, and thus far...
If I decide to post a blog, it would be to invite criticism rather than to show off my painting skills! In any case, I can't really take decent...
I decided to make 10 of them, since I recently realized that units should be in multiples of 5 if I ever manage to play a game of AoS. Games...
Thank you both! Saurus Knights are, um, not my favourite in the line of Seraphon models. I suppose they were responsible for me falling out of...
Good to know! I just looked for a PDF of the 8th edition rulebook and it's a whopper. I'm not sure how well it would work with my models' round...
Newbie here (my introduction thread here). My goal this month is to finish painting 10 Cold Ones - I'm about halfway through (the riders will...
Thanks! My goal is to have a fully painted 2,000 point army, and with my two new boxes I’ll be pretty close. I’m not sure if and when I’ll get to... this thing on? (sorry, had to get a Simpsons reference in here somehow) So I'm Andrew from Montreal, Canada. Long time lurker, first time...