here is another update From the official FB group:
[img] [img] [img]
I wonder... the Warscrolls seem similair to the current ones (looking at the Gryph Hound) so you would be able to pull out those warscrolls and...
the app [img] Warscrolls for the hero's!
Both of you we're below me in the line anyway! And I didn't win either :(
It's already leaked for 125 Euro
Posted in GW's Blog: Monday 09 May 2016 Army of your Dreams Winners Announced [img] Over the last few months we have been running a...
More information
More pictures! (courtesy warhammer forum) [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
[img] [img] [img] [img]
Well soon GW will provide us with a point system.. let's see how that will work out :)
awesome! :eek:
I think you took your thought process one step too far. I seem to sense that you are list building before hand to take a set of models to a...
They now issued a Painting competition. For may any entries of an Ironjaw can be used. There is a prize to be won.
If you count the time together maybe about 3 days including drying times. But overall been about 3 weeks together with other projects
Thank you @Bowser Other angles are on my wordpress blog to view
the gryph-hounds boss [img] Coming month I'll be working on my Seraphon for my Mordheim warband atleast till half may hope they will be done...
Mostly yes. Battalion is the global name of Warscrolls comprised of multiple other (unit)warscrolls Constellation is a named one of the Battalion...
had short look at it once but never did a game