thanks another awesome source of information!
interested in 40k, playing MordhEIm
Anything Order with Collegiate Arcane especially the Hurricanum. +1 to hit aura bubble to Order units and with the Storm of Shemtek and the Comet...
A little side project finished, now back to the Seraphon, but no time this weekend [img] More on it in my blog
awesome work, really good paint jobs! Only beef I have with them is that they appear (chakax and priest) a little too busy with colours. As for...
It's somewhere in the part about the Battalion warscrolls and how to use them, will clearly state that a unit can only benefit from one Battalion.
I also think I figured out why the glossy shine is there.. Probably not shaken the (bigger pot) of Coelia right. so the oily substance was more on...
Paint scheme on the Maw Crusher rider is better with that black
It hasn't been shaded with the Coelia, will be shaded by Reikland Fleshshade
It has the media= youtube tag. ? So either I'm missing the point or something isn't right?
So I tried to experiment a bit with my colour scheme that I want to use on my Seraphon. On the pictures it looks a bit more green off camera (used...
It's worth waiting for!
So how much for a commission work on some of those scenery things for say a medium filled table? :)
@Jorgik Well at the moment that sounds like a fan made list. @Warden I watched the first few video's and I really like them, they feel like how...
I made a separate thread about this Mordheim topic in the General section here...
As my Personal Blog got swamped with an off topic discussion I thought it might be good to start a separate thread about it here.. (If there is a...
I only played Mordheim last year during that event and at home I have a board.. well 3 pieces of MDF board of 2' by 4' making it 6' by 4' with...
I got them here: In Warbands - Unofficial In Experimental there...