KF is dead, he is now used as a generic option for the Freeguild General on Griffon, option for the warhammer is on the scroll. Biggest issue I...
So that is: 85, 62, 120 and 65 Euro's.. something feels off here
Only if my name pops in there also! :cool:
Last chance to buy Order, pushing out 92 kits!...
something with the website sending out the confirmation mails.
fixed that :D
Either you have a new activation mail or you can try again
good question, I'm intrigued for an answer on this!
3 times a d3 and add the results from the 3 rolls to see the total damage done, really don't make it more complicated! ;)
This is what I do with the following point added: 3) You can't see through a unit that is in coherency as the turmoil of moving models is to...
I like the new Star Drake, it is pricy but huge as well.. if you compare it to the Dracothian Guard that is mostly in those pictures.
@Crowsfoot It is a really lovely model to paint and I had a blast painting him even though I had several distractions going. Especially working on...
@Warden, thanks for your comments! As for the story behind these Khorgoraths it seems they were wildlife predators taken captive by khorne forces...
dracoth cavalry.. 2 dracoths per box.. so there goes your multiple pose thing... and they already looked static :( dragon looks good, but the...
jeez you guys! Now I got swamped with all the good pictures. I had to go google myself to see what I could find! The squirrel is damn good, but...
Khorgorath finished, getting closer to start on my Seraphon! [img] More on my blog
yes they are! that's me not refreshing a topic I had open from before dinner time!
haha any of them already represented here? :D
yeah that is the site.. and I'll give notice about the failed activation mail..
I can't find any specifics on the requirements of the Empire forum's avatar. But I guess it would not be much different then here. As for the...