4 different cav types.. ahum weapon options (like the paladins but those are only 3) http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?showtopic=239537
A bit out of the ordinary request, but could you do one Empire / Stormcast like one for me to use on the Empire forum? I really like this style...
So new Stormcast coming next week and week after, Dracoth Cavalry in 4 weapon types and later a big drake (blurry in the coming WD)
3 wounds left (no healing in between) and he wasn't doing anything anyway except babysitting the relic in that battleplan to get 20 points on the...
So what is so good about those chameleon skinks? I had 5 pop up near my Lord Relictor and in 3 turns (1,5 battle rounds) my Lord Relictor came out...
Yes the new skaven and Skeleton pictures, but @pendrake was referring to the Seraphon and Chaos boxes
They should be in the WD's when those starter sets got released.
I like this idea, but there needs to be something very organised to find specific events amongst all the clutter some people won't need (I would...
We have this discussion on a broader scale over on Empire, and the biggest thing going is not make to much sub forums as more of those will make...
Dining table or very big desk in the man cave/hobby room. But due to kids and social interaction usually at the dining table with that citadel...
https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Competition Promoter details: Games Workshop Limited, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2WS +44 (0)115 914...
Damnit and now I missed it!
Or what I do, a unit is in constant motion (not stationary) so you can't see through a unit only past the sides or overhead of them. And unit...
Now also with the limited edition Seraphon...
Buy more models for my existing armies.. buy more models for new armies, buy more hobby supplies to keep up, buy more books to read the fluff, pay...
But it's a 3 part price.. you get all 3 Hobby supplies + 1 of the Scenery Bundles + 2600 euros of minis
Added a unit of Judicators to my Stormcast. (see my blog) [img]
AoS Starterbox was bad for me.. instant 2 new armies :rolleyes:
Adding in the stuff from Balance of Power.. Having great fun reading but then it struck me on p 144.. the new Constellation: Starfire War...
What the hell is a costellation? Do you need to pay money for it?