Numbers are good, however, the table is a table. You count the damage like Stegadon and bastiladon are exactly in the same conditions. In fact,...
I feel like Lumineth will be about Ossiarch level. At least they have one single weakness - mediocre base stats. Speed is not the best either. On...
Well, why not to stuck in with bastiladons? I'd say, that Stegadons and bastiladons are similar in total damage ouput. The difference is Stegadon...
I'd go for bastiladons. They are not nearly as good, but can be tough to crack for some armies. Their shooting is good enough to snipe support...
Honestly, I'd just drop stegdon in favor of another bastiladon. Bastiladons are better at everything but melee. And for melee you already have...
What do you mean by competitive? Going 5-0? Most likely no. Going 3-0? You have good chances if you don't run into any S-tier builds. Coalesced...
As I already mentioned, the question is, how much do we need this utility. For example, I often have tons of unused CP with my starborne lists. I...
Or just take more salamanders. No CP, no casts, which may fail. Just pure damage. Or reduce efficiency even further, by killing them. Many...
That was my initial thought, but after some playtesting I thing they are not an auto-choice. You may take 120 pts and bring a starpriest and give...
But you are not saying in which situation. ;)
The question is always if their abilities are worth thier price in given situation.
What's your final opinion on Terradons? I expected more from them, TBH.
The problem with melee seraphon lists is lack of ways to deal with ASF stuff. How would you deal with Fyreslayers, for examle? Or Tzeentch? Or 40...
I'd say, for every list, which tries to compete. Like, what is the reason not to take kroak or salamanders? If you are going for the win - none....
Totally agree. I brought 12, but I wouldn't call it broken either, because it has some hard counters. It really lacks some tools.
But that's how AoS works. Same for Tzeentch - just LoC, horrors and flamers. I just hope they won't make salamanders unplayable at all.
Unfotunately, yes. Kroak is just too good not to take him. I'd like the slann to be even more similar to it. And nothing compared in damage to...
Just went 6th out of 30 at TTS tournament with Salamanders+Kroak list. Lost a mirror match against Diabo, then beat CoS Greywater Fastness list...
Besides, In KC you have several ways of gaining +1 to-hit through CA.