More: Lord Regent 14" move 6w 3+ save -1 to be hit, +1 to casting when he casts his warscroll spell, loses these when he pops his last...
In FoS I would just take a bastiladon instead. You never know, when you roll bad on number of attacks.
In this case, they won't take Swordmasters.
Well, you have to find away either remove archers from afar or get as close to them as possible. Otherwise, they will shred your units. Starseer...
And what does your opponent bring? I have a feeling that they play competitive list while you just bringing stuff that you have. Anyway, I...
Unless that unit can fly, have 12-16" movement, can run+charge/retreat, can teleport, universally good against any target, has a lot of wounds,...
A good player will never let them into close combat with valuable target.
What is your opponents list? If he goes daemon-heavy, thunerquake should be an answer. If he brings seeker cavalkade, you, most likely, will want...
I disagree on this one. Razordons are good in close combat and you don't want to waste their potential. I don't mean that you must send single...
What's your list? I think, even Koatl's claw can be effective against lumineth if built properly.
The game is about shooting, magic and speed rn, so I am not concerned about this stats at all. Remember how everyone freaked out about Light of...
I, honestly, wouldn't be suprised. Looks like GW is opening new horizons at what people would buy. Or maybe lumineth and hedonites are an...
Make more money, of course. So now we have our own version of Space Marines in AoS and it is, suprisingly, not stormcasts.
In close combat you usually want big units, because smaller units can be easily wiped out. So, if you are mixing saurus and knights, try at least...
The list seems to be pretty strong, I would only make minor adjustments: 1) Make priest the warlord and give him Master of Star Rituals trait....
My favourite recipe: 1) Take an Oldblood on Carnosaur; 2) Take thunder lizard (+2 wounds, +1 attack on jaws); 3) Give him Prime Warbeast (+1...
Sure, but, personaly, I know I won't have problems with it.
At least we have a couple of nice alternative models. It is a shame that we already have good oldblood and starptiest models and our skinks are...