As I understand it, these rules should combine restrictions, not override each other.
No, the rules state, that you must pick artefact "from the following pages". You still write it down in your list, like before.
Then the game is pretty much decided before the start, because saurus don't have enough punch to make it through 3+ rerollable. But if it is ok...
You have to place it 6" from the objectives, 6" from the edge and 6" from other terrain, which is almost impossible on most tables.
We won't be able to set it up at all in this case.
I would advise at least not to take petrifex, so saurus would have a chance.
It depends. If you play Seraphon against Khorne, you can simply make all terrain arcane and only you would benifit from it. Take Mystic against...
I wouldn't call it "major". TBH, it is just a choice of yours - either you tone down your list or you oppress your opponent. Honestly, I'd prefere...
Being player A looks to be superpowerful. For example, we now don't even need to take Azyrite Ruins. Just place RSE at one side and chose good...
Back to the topic of the realms. Leaks finally reached me, and I don't like the result at all. If the previous iteration was too unbalanced, this...
IMO, this problem is super-simple to resolve. If you think that something is oppressive, just don't field it or use its powers to their full...
Literally anything. We don't need realm ones, they've become worse than ours. GW FORCES us into Starborne at this point.
Should be this weekend.
DG's ability is disgustingly resilient and Feel no Pain was universal special rule in 7th.
How do you know all the realm rules already?
I think, that 3 spells per list rule would be enough nerf to BES. I don't think that Knights would be touched at all. I expect only salamanders...
The first thing to do is make them artillery again. That was a misclick, sorry.
Seems fake, because we are confirmed to be in FAQ/Errata to GHB. But who knows. Changes in costs seem to be very strange. And they didn't touch...
That's what I am takling about. Especially that footnote states they are not enforced. I am pretty sure they didn't tried to balance these stuff....
I doubt this would be legal for tournamets.