On top of that, we don't have any abilities to manipulate activations. We cannot strike first, cannot fight twice or force opponent to fight last....
Slann+Kroak, 40 skinks with starpriest and priest, salamanders.
Yeah, but have you ever roll 5-5-6 from Motrek Crawler's skulls? :D First of all, get Kroak and Slann. These two guys will shut down 90% armies'...
This is just 9-12 result. Just the effect is less epic.
We have the full rules already. And quite a few models in TTS. I will bring some proxies of course. The aim is to test the strength, only this.
I'll be testing LRR against OBR in TTS today. Will write a short battle overview here.
Even if Vanari can cast any spell, they are still limited to one per turn. If they don't cast power of hysh, their damage is minimal. And best...
The problem is that it is either skinks or salamanders. Other investments are not worth it most of the time.
I think, this illustrates the problem of seraphon. Compared to salamanders, other stuff is meh/bad. I consider Skinks/Chama skinks/salamanders as...
I didn't want to say, that Skink Chief is trash. Yes, he can pump good damage, but he needs to much investment to consider him a good choice for...
Excuse me, they are anything, but "lost in astonishing rate". The more you kill them, the more they get back. 1's on Fate Dice, Blur Reality...
It is possible to hide our heroes at least for 1 turn. Teclis' range is not infinite and if we could hide from Mortek Crawlers, we can hide from...
Ok, I am bad at maths, but I still consider it Ok for a model with such stats. Kroak is a bit worse for less than half the price. Yes, he needs...
Once again, theoryhammer is great, but the shown number require the perfect condition and lots of investment to a point you build the whole roster...
Take Kroak. Not only will he add magic defence and some magic threat, but also provide you with CP. More CP=More CA on saurus. With dominant...
Yes, but defense-wise petrifex is way worse. 3+ rerollable for the whole game and reroll 1's against shooting for mystic shield. But damage-wise...
Didn't notice it target model, not a unit, like other spells. Than, it is indeed a good spell. It can also target salamanders in our packs, but...
I am not saying that Teclis is not strong, I'm just saying, that he brings barely anything new, aside from auto-casting. His most devastating...
Meh. Who cares about other inferior factions, which we eat in between fighting Tzeentch, OBR and CoS?:cool:
I see nothing, that we haven't seen already, TBH. And we've been through worse. Solar flare is more of a debuff to casters and another way to...