I have tried both GW's paint and army painter and must say I prefer GW. It's much smoother but army painter's can add some fine texture whit the...
Nice painting. I especially like the albino priests haven't seen it in a while I think it was called spawning of the old ones back in 6ed
I Love that conversion so Blanche <3
Well I'm in then but I make it lizardmen themed, they have to drink something and I highly doubt swamp water is it. So I will make a skink...
Kind of wheel/crescent like, maby house arryn?
Marcleckt, how could I miss this comp/activity it seems really fun
Definitely, well painted sir. :)
I really like how you include fluff
In the name of Sotek I claim the leading
Wow the ghekko style is really good (I am one of those who is not so found of the salamanders) and the chasing seems to have improved might maby...
Will I make it in time?
Tanks Will sign Up now
This is such a great log, I love these kind of full out conversion paint logs so extremely inspiring and yours is a especially good one you really...
@Bowser [img] He has been away for a while.. ;)
I wish I had the time to at least have the time to paint a skirmish force like this it is amazing. The skills would be nice to but I think they...
Okay, and how do I get started? Just sign up and then? (I kind of want a little tutorial as I haven't played anything like this)
Nice conversation love how you use the sisters as female sigmarines as they are a severely lacking department.
Okay first question, are you always in characters on the forum? How is the general feel of playing?
Or the European precursor to Hollywood, and o I seems to be winning
I am intrigued, you might want to start a new tread and advertise it. I have a few questions but it does not feel appropriate for this tread.