I do just want to say that I wrote one and nobody seems tho have noticed which makes me happy as that means my English has improved greatly! :D
The first one is just line art. The second one have I painted but the upload is just in black n white. I will post the full colour version later...
Hilarious XD Well here's a black n white version. [SPOILER]
I hope this is not to mature for the forum. Funny that I who is one of the youngest here would post that, well I guess it have to do whit me...
Yea twwarhammer is the game I play mostly right now so it be great to add lizards
Well I got some ideas for tying my different stories together. I thought it could be my army fluff whit some work.
@Y'ttar Scaletail In my story (16) is it not the main protagonist tath dies it's her first in command. The characters are a bit more established...
Well here is my black n white[ATTACH] @Rikard will hopefully like the details on the saurus back.
Red is Sotek's sacred colour and the blood of your enemies so I think red. I will also say that I am very honored to have managed to write one of...
I am going to make my standard. Start working one day before last entry day! Yay!
Great job every one! I havent had time to read all of them. But it is realy fun to see so many conpeting. 16 is a big number guessing every body...
Thanks Bob! Is internet uruslay slow down under or have that pesky thing life happend to you?
Well done everybody it feels like a lager lot of storys than usualy. Hitting the spot right on. We realy need a post stating the corect way to...
I have seen that one before I love it have it as a bookmark. Great idea to share it here on the forum!
So my eight pice is in. I could not get a hold of my ususal prof reader so I forced another on into service, aparently Is this one junk. So I...
Your highliths and shadows are realy good. It's very smoth and vibrant.
Good paint job, ceep up the work! And I must say that it is nice to see some more actul mantic salamanders here in lustria.
I must say gw have supriced me latly in actuly being kind of nice it would be great if they updated the systers of battle. By the way Magnus...
Wow I did't expect this when cheking the tread today. I thought I would congratulate some of our painting masters, witch I will congratulations...
You would fit rightfully in on bugmans brewery. Grudges is all for them. They do still grumble about slotta bases over there. ;) ;):D