Gonna enter later today the 31:st
Thiss iss Lama![ATTACH]
=I= Slay the mutant Burn the Heretic Suffer not the Xeno to live =I= I think I can explain my story safely as I am so far from the leading...
Obsidian is usualy purple but it exists Green and blue varisnts. And it is usualy best to not go completly grey on miniatures as colours in black...
Welcom to lustria! Allways nice with new faces :)
I must ask how grainy is thoes GW cans? I have army painter leather brown and it is very grainy. So is GW any better or is all spray cans so grainy?
A big thumb up for the video, altho it was quite afull but I think it can be easily fixed. First fix the focus get your hands on a camera that...
If one, if not the best sculptor would like to make miniatures for the 9th age I would sertently not hold it agenst him or her :angelic:
You can also put a thin layer abowe or use a thin glaze.
I dissagre. If we do it in pictures:[img] Old warhammer fantasy detailed wide scoped and a bit hard to get into [img] Age of sigmar easy to grasp...
You know Bob getting a human to pose for you is usualy great to get corect anatomy, or ask @Rikard he is better on anatomy than real life ;)
Wow realy nice colour sheme, it's allmost some blancistu over it. And the stegodon is nicely converted and painted. :)
Woho pictures! and sutch wonderfull miniatures!
Maby we need a tutorial to lustria for newbiz. When I joined I did't know abaute our own hostig, o wait it were before the new site :D But half...
I guess I am a bit late but congratulations @NIGHTBRINGER !
I have just submited I hope it's not to late and I used lustrias own image hostig
Woho! More entrys! And I must say that I am very happy that I don't have to vote for only one pice. Phew. ;)
This is the way to go. I own a citadel skimrish case and I like it it is just over priced so by a regular sturdy box and make your own foam tray.
Cool love LED lights on miniatures! I am eagerly waiting for your finnished mini.
Wow fantastic work with the coloring it's unbelivebly good, I think I will follow your lead even tho I am way to old for coloring books ;)