It seems like your painting is going well and you have a very good strategy for picking out colours for your minnis!
@Crowsfoot I must sadly say the same as I have not had time for a side progect :(
Very intressting discussion I love these. :) But I have come up with a problem. Wath if regiment A loses 90% of their trops and regiment B loses...
Wow so you say that you are not just good at art but also aerial arts? is that allowed? ;)
Welcom!! It will be fun chatting with you :)
You realy nail the shading! Lovley work.
You can do that but it's better to use a black cloth. If you use a wite paper the paper will be lighter than the miniature making it hard to see....
Yes finaly! And so mutch asome artworks guys! It will be a hard choise to do when it comes to voting.
I love your second gor'rok the red jade is so uniqe and asome
Hello Fee! Welcom to the forum it is very nice to have sutch a talanted painter on the forum :)
So you intend thiss tread to be full of our own temple city maps? Thiss is the only information I have found but genealy pelope of thiss forum...
In my post I didn't intend exactly after the scetch. I only thougth if it wold be impressiv enought on the tabletop. like the tanks of 40k they...
I wonder how costly It would be to convert a toy sauropod into this, mayby a smaller one how abaute 10' inches long? or would that be to smal?
Hey does anybody know if or when they will introduce lizardmen in total war warhammer? I know some of you are realy good at hunting things out of...
Thanks for the solidarity :) I hope that I will find it when I clear out my dorm room this week.
So thiss thread are just a colection of maps over lizardmen temple citys publiced by GW? or is any discussion to take place?
Wow I might have to buy some then it seems like a good shortcut.
Well you have been a member for sig years with thousends of posts and.. and I don't know were I were going. Marchlect. Well I have been a member...
you know one problem is that I am a week from summer leave and have some left overs to finish. So I wont have mutch time sadly :( I allso lost my...