I will definetly use it when I have a wip to work with.
I like the colour you have choosen for the blades the blue looks more like crystal than the usual black obsidian
So I have lost two weeks when I could inprove my image?
Well finaly people are follwing my lead! And to the ones draging out long .Do you need every sentence? Does it evolve the plot or the caracters?...
I must just ask one thing. Is the deadline last june and not may?
Well can't they be converts of norsca leaving the dark gods for the old ones. And now centurys later they have a diffrent interpretation of the...
Cool idea! I might join in if i find a surus or I might just do bigger scales on a skink it feels like it might be in line with the theme of the...
Nice to have you back Rikard it's allways a plesure to see your work
I was thinking along the lines of placing a skink on a 40mm base like this [img]
Why did I learn NMM now I have to enter master tier, why. Curse you're gifts Artzafartzi. P.s. Can you have a big diorama base?
I am on instagram but I smashed my phone a few days ago so I can't contat her. Can somebody else do it?
Do you think we should invite her to Lustria?
Wow these miniatures look asome all tho they could have skipped the horns on the zaangors. And the little familiar could possebly hang out whit my...
Marchlect that wraithbone looks cool!
Like forgetting some one?
The havens cracked open whit a roaring sound of thunder and forward stepped the herald of Artzafartzi bringing whit him a offering to the venered...
Well I been in for every single comp but I can't still manage to beat the newbies -_-
No I think skinks would honor the kroxigor being spawnkin and all. Then I allso think they tell storys of the heros in living memory. Especialy...
Is oyumaru the so called "blue stuff"? Because I have can't find it anywere near me and I would like to try it out since I sculpt a lot.
Rise up children of the old ones! Risse up Lizards! Throw of these chaines and free you're self from the rats! Thy in the namne of Artzafartzi art...